LDD Creation Process

Proposing a New Discipline LDD

Creation of a new Discipline LDDs should be discussed and approved by the PDS LDD Change Control Board (TBD Email list or google group). During this process the following must be determined:

1. Is this LDD needed?

Does a similar dictionary exist? If so, what is the rationale for creating a new one instead of adding to an existing one?

2. Who is the LDD Stewardship Team?

  • Responsible for design, implementation, and review LDD development.

  • Membership includes one lead LDD steward and one or more stakeholders who are identified either by the lead LDD steward and/or dLDD Approval Board.

3. Who is the dLDD Modeling Team?

  • Responsible for reviewing and approving changes to the dLDDs to be released.

  • Membership includes one or more PDS Engineering Node data engineers who have in depth experience in information modeling and ontology.

Proposing a New Mission LDD

Contact your Discipline Node to help you along this process. Many of the best practices and review rigor described below may not be necessary for Mission LDD development.

Submit Request For New LDD Creation

Upon receiving approval to begin development on your new LDD, it must be initialized by reserving a namespace ID and creating a new repo.

Create a new [ldd-request] Initialize New PDS LDD issue within the PDSEN Operations repo and fill out the issue template with the applicable information.

Part of the initialization procedure will include a new namespace added to the PDS4 Information Model and PDS4 Namespace Registry and a new repo will be created.

The EN Operations Team will notify you once the repo is ready to use.

Initializing New LDD


Responsible Party: Member of PDSEN Operations


This can probably be scripted someday using GithubAPI or within a Github Action.

  1. Create PDS Namespace Request issue in PDS4 Information Model repo with info from and reference to the ticket in PDSEN Operations repo.

  2. Once namespace request has been completed, Create LDD Stewardship Team.

  3. Once team has been created, Creating New LDD Repository

Create LDD Stewardship Team

Create a new team here :

  • Team name: [namespace_id] LDD Stewardship Team

  • Team visibility: Visible

Add the users noted in the LDD Initialization Ticket.

Next step: Creating New LDD Repository

Creating New LDD Repository


Responsible Party: Member of PDSEN Operations


This can probably be scripted someday using GithubAPI or within a Github Action.

Once the namespace request has been completed. We can create the repo from the ldd-template

Create new repo from ldd-template

  1. Create new repo

  2. Set the following parameters:
    • Owner: pds-data-dictionaries

    • Repository Name: should follow the naming scheme ldd-<namespace_id>.

    • Description: enter description sent by LDD Steward

    • Set visibility to Public

Update Repo Settings

We need to setup the teams and main branch protections.

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Disable issues being created on this repo (they will be created in the PDS4 LDD Issue Repo).

  3. Add appropriate teams with access to repo
    • Go to Manage Access

    • Click on Invite teams or people

    • Add the <namespace_id> LDD Stewardship Team with Admin access

    • Add the @pdsen-operations-team with Admin access

    • If this is a Discipline LDD Repo, add the @dldd-data-modeling-team with Write access

  4. Set branches protections
    • Go to Branches

    • Under Branch protection rules, click Add rule

    • Enter Branch name pattern: main

    • Select Require pull request reviews before merging

    • Select Require review from Code Owners

    • Select Require status checks to pass before merging
      • Search and select the Tag and Release LDD (x.x.x.x) action.

    • Select Restrict who can push to matching branches

  5. Set GitHub Pages Deployment
    • Go to Settings -> Pages

    • Under Build and Deployment -> Source, select GitHub Actions

Create new issue template in PDS4 LDD Issue Repo

  1. Create a new label in the PDS4 LDD Issue Repo for the new repo (ldd-<namespace_id>)

  2. Clone the PDS4 LDD Issue Repo

  3. Execute the generate-issue-template.sh bash script. This will automatically generate an issue template from the LDD Issue Template and push to the repo:

    $ bin/generate-issue-template.sh <namespace_id> '<namespace_name>' <ldd_steward_username>
    New issue template created: /Users/jpadams/Documents/proj/pds/pdsen/workspace/pds4-ldd-issue-repo/bin/../.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/-ldd-cart--ldd-update-request.md
    [main 950bedb] Add cart issue template
     1 file changed, 33 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/-ldd-cart--ldd-update-request.md
    Enumerating objects: 8, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    Delta compression using up to 16 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 1.07 KiB | 1.07 MiB/s, done.
    Total 5 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
    remote: This repository moved. Please use the new location:
    remote:   git@github.com:pds-data-dictionaries/PDS4-LDD-Issue-Repo.git
    To github.com:pds-data-dictionaries/pds4-ldd-issue-repo.git
       b0abee5..950bedb  main -> main
  4. You should now see a new issue template created

Notify LDD Stewardship Team

Notify the LDD Stewardship Team the new repo is ready in the PDSEN Operations issue, e.g.:

@<stewardship_team_member_0>, @<stewardship_team_member_1>, and @<stewardship_team_member_n> your LDD repo is now ready for use at https://github.com/pds-data-dictionaries/ldd-<namespace_id>. Read through Getting to Know Your LDD Repo to get started.

Retrofit Existing LDD Repository (Admin / Stewards Only)

  1. Clone the ldd-template repo and the LDD repo to be retrofitted. For this example, we will be retrofitting the ldd-img repo:

    git clone git@github.com:pds-data-dictionaries/ldd-template.git
    git clone git@github.com:pds-data-dictionaries/ldd-img.git
  2. From the ldd-img repo, rsync the various files from the ldd-template repo:

    cd ldd-img
    rsync -av ../ldd-template/.gitignore ../ldd-template/.github ../ldd-template/build ../ldd-template/src ../ldd-template/test ./
  3. Rename or remove test files and example IngestLDD so they don’t get picked up in the regression tests (files can’t end in .xml):

    mv test/test1_FAIL.xml test/test1_FAIL.xml_example
    mv test/test1_VALID.xml test/test1_VALID.xml_example
    rm src/PDS4_EXAMPLE_IngestLDD.xml
  4. Re-arrange directories to match that of the ldd-template repo. Specifically note the build/development and build/release directories.

  5. Create a branch and pull request, and verify the Github Action executes successfully. e.g. https://github.com/pds-data-dictionaries/ldd-img/actions/

  6. Remove local repo github issues, update permissions on the repository, and add branch protections per Update Repo Settings above

  7. Update README as appropriate to direct people to Contribute and Get Support. See the ldd-template README for more details.